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New Mexico Tech Communication, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences (CLASS) Department 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801 EDUCATION Ph.D. 2004 English Literature, Wayne State University M.A. 2000 English Literature, Wayne State University B.A. 1996 English and Comparative Literature, University of Michigan POSITIONS HELD Associate Professor of English, CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, 2012-present Assistant Professor of English, CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, 2007-2012 Visiting Assistant Professor of English, CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, 2006-7 Instructor, University of New Mexico Department of Language and Literature, 2005-6 Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Wayne State University Honors Program, 2004-5 AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS Brigham Young University Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Visiting Scholar (Spring semester), 2009 Newberry Library/South Central Modern Language Association Research Fellowship, 2007 Brigham Young University Charles Redd Center for Western History Short-term Fellowship, 2006 Newly-Published Scholar Award, International D. H. Lawrence Conference, 2005 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Honors Program, Wayne State University, 2004-5, 2005-7 (declined) Summer Dissertation Fellowship, Wayne State University, Summer 2004 Thomas Rumble Dissertation Fellow, Wayne State University, 2003-4 School of Criticism and Theory (Diana Fuss's seminar), Cornell University, Summer 2001 BOOK MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW "Place, Not Race: Sites of American Literary Neonativism, 1899-1933." Click here for abstract as PDF. BOOK MANUSCRIPTS IN PROGRESS "From Professional Presence to Political Power: The Activist Writings of Gertrude Bonnin, Charles Alexander Eastman, and Carlos Montezuma." Click here for abstract as PDF. PUBLICATIONS "Pluralism, Place, and Gertrude Bonnin's Counter-Nativism, From Utah to Washington D.C." Forthcoming in American Indian Quarterly. "An Academic Ejournal as Technical Communication Client Project: Enculturation, Production, and Assessment." With Julie Ford. Forthcoming in Technical Communication. "Writers Among Engineers and Scientists: New Mexico Tech's Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication." With Julie Ford and Clint Lanier. Undergraduate Writing Majors: Nineteen Program Profiles. Eds. Greg Giberson, Jim Nugent, and Lori Ostergaard. Utah State University Press. Forthcoming, 2012. "Xchanges Journal--Web Journal as the Writing Classroom: On Building an Academic Web Journal in a Collaborative Classroom." With Jacoby Boles. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 16.1 (Fall 2011). (http://www.technorhetoric.net/16.1/praxis/boles/) "Emphasizing Research (Further) in Undergraduate Technical Communication Curricula: Involving Undergraduate Students With an Academic Journal's Publication and Management." With Julie Ford. The Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. 41.3 (Fall 2011) 311-324. "An Introduction to Neonativist Collectives: Place, Not Race, in Cather's The Professor's House and Lawrence's The Plumed Serpent." Arizona Quarterly. 66.2 (Summer 2010): 89-120. "Sensing Re-Placement in New Mexico: D. H. Lawrence, John Collier, and (Post)Colonial Textual Geographies." "Terra Incognita": D. H. Lawrence at the Frontiers. Madison and Teaneck, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2010. 157-183. "Language, Absence, and Narrative Impossibility in Mario Vargas Llosa's El hablador." Latin American Literary Review. 61 (January-June 2003): 5-22. "Writing (and Speaking) in Tongues: Zitkala-Sa's American Indian Stories." Western American Literature. 37.3 (Fall 2002): 335-358. "D. H. Lawrence, 'Whitman,' and the Leap to the Irrational." Etudes Lawrenciennes. 28 (Spring 2003): 109-32. BOOK REVIEWS For Home and Country: World War I Propaganda on the Home Front, by Celia Malone Kingsbury. Rocky Mountain Review. 65.2 (Fall 2011). Everything You Know about Indians Is Wrong by Paul Chaat Smith. Studies in American Indian Literatures (SAIL). 21.4 (2009): 93-96. The Complete Critical Guide to D. H. Lawrence by Fiona Becket. D. H. Lawrence Review. Fall 2004. INVITED PRESENTATIONS "Political Visions and Places of Change: The Activist Writings of Zitkala-Sa and Charles Eastman." Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Annual Western Studies Luncheon. Featured speaker. Brigham Young University. Provo, UT. March 2009. "Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman, Dr. Carlos Montezuma, and the Rhetoric of Activist Medicine." American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Regional Conference. Breakout Session Featured Presentation. New Mexico Tech. Socorro, NM. April 2008. "Introducing Students to Zitkala-Sa through WAC: From Her 'School Days' to Theirs." University of Michigan. Sweetland Writing Center. Ann Arbor, MI. March 2007. "WAC in the Classroom: Strategies for Incorporating WAC Pedagogies into Your Class!" Writing Across Communities Week 2006. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 2006. "Finding a Neonativist Political Voice: Zitkala-Sa in Utah and Washington D.C." Brigham Young University Omnibus Lecture Series. Brigham Young University. Provo, UT. June 2006. "Surviving Nativism and Neonativist Survivance: The Repatriation of Charles Alexander Eastman." University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD. January 2006. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS National and Regional Modern Language Association (MLA) meetings: "Willa Cather's Evolving Counter-Nativism: From My Ántonia to The Professor's House." MLA Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. January 2012. Guest speaker. Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) meeting. Rocky Mountain MLA. Albuquerque, NM. October 2010. Roundtable member. Value Added: The Shape of the E-Journal. MLA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. December 2009. "Connecting Students to Zitkala-Sa: From Her 'School Days' to Theirs." MLA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. December 2006. "Locating the Future Native: Lawrence's American Neonativism." MLA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. December 2004. "Natives and Early Twentieth Century Literary Neonativism." South Central MLA. New Orleans, LA. October 2004. "The Future and Fluid Native: A Third Theory of Early Twentieth Century Literary Nativism." MLA Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. December 2003. "Occupying The Atlantic Monthly: Zitkala-Sa and the Dynamics of Textual Space." Northeastern MLA. Cambridge, MA. March 2003. Other national and international conferences: "A Medical Cure: Carlos Montezuma, the Society of American Indians, and New Tropes of Pan-Indian Empowerment." Native American Literature Symposium (NALS). Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico. April 2012. "From Professional Presence to Political Power: The Activist Writings of Gertrude Bonnin, Charles Alexander Eastman, and Carlos Montezuma." The Society of American Indians 100th Anniversary Symposium. Ohio State University. October 2011. "Lawrence and American Literary Criticism, Post-1923: 'Model Americans' as a Case Study." D. H. Lawrence International Conference. Sydney, Australia. July 2012. "A Place-Based Identity Installation: Eastman's Counter-Nativism in From the Deep Woods . . ." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA. May 2011. "Audience Awareness and the Online Journal Context: The Xchanges Ejournal and the Praxis of Professionalization." Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. October 2010. "Why Gertrude Bonnin was not a Pagan: Contexts for Understanding Bonnin's Spiritual Evolution." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ. May 2010. "Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman, Dr. Carlos Montezuma, and the Rhetoric of Activist Medicine." American Literature Association (ALA) Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. May 2009. "The Bursum Bill and the Re-Placing of Pueblo Indians: D. H. Lawrence, John Collier, and Mabel Dodge Luhan in Taos." American Literature Association (ALA) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. May 2008. "Doing WAC: How First-Year Writing Students Bring WAC to New Mexico Tech." International Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Conference. Austin, TX. May, 2008. "'Inner life of people little understood': Gertrude Bonnin, William F. Hanson, and The Sun Dance Opera." Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Southwest Regional Conference. Albuquerque, NM. February 2007. "Ecocriticism, Zitkala-Sa's Poetry, and the Network of her Writing." Native American Literature Symposium. Mt. Pleasant, MI. April 2006. "Surviving Nativism and Neonativist Survivance: The Repatriation of Charles Alexander Eastman." Twentieth Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville. Louisville, KY. February 2006. "Place, Not Race: Neonativism as an Alternative to Walter Benn Michaels's Nativist Modernism." Western Literature Association Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA. October 2005. "The Plumed Serpent, Neonativism, and the Frontiers of National Identity." D. H. Lawrence International Conference. Santa Fe, NM. June 2005. Panel chair and presenter. "D. H. Lawrence: Neonativist in New Mexico." Twentieth Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville. Louisville, KY. February 2004. "Representing Education and Cultural Loss: The Dawes Act, Zitkala-Sa, and the Literary Legacy of Forced Acculturation." Twentieth Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville. Louisville, KY. February 2003. "Zitkala-Sa: Problems in Publication and Context." Western Literature Association Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ. October 2002. "Bartolome de las Casas: Conquest, Time, and New Terminology." GEMCS Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2000. COURSES TAUGHT Literature and American Studies courses: Survey of American Literature Survey of Native American Literature Seminar in Literature and the Environment American Literature: "Other" Writers (Multi-Ethnic American Literature) Introduction to Literature Introduction to American Studies Introduction to Literature and Writing, Fiction Directed Study Seminar in American Expatriate Modernity Writing and Technical Communication courses: Graduate Writing Seminar Seminar in Technical Writing for Graduate Students Publications Management: Producing the Xchanges Journal Technical Writing Introduction to College Writing Introduction to College Writing/Mechanical Engineering "Learning Community" Intermediate Writing: Argument and Analysis Honors Introductory and Intermediate College Writing Chicano/Boricua Studies Program Intermediate Composition Project 350 (Basic Writing summer program for "at risk" students) College for Lifelong Learning Senior Thesis (as part of BA and MA program for "nontraditional" students) ACADEMIC SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE Writing Program Coordinator, New Mexico Tech, 2008-present CLASS Department Research Colloquium coordinator 2008-present Article reviewer. Studies in the Novel. 2012 Article reviewer. The D. H. Lawrence Review. 2008-present Article reviewer. Western American Literature. 2010 Newsletter Editor, D. H. Lawrence Society of North America, 2011-present Recording Secretary, D. H. Lawrence Society of North America, 2003-2010 Xchanges Online Journal, Editor, 2001-4, 2008-present Retention Task-Force, New Mexico Tech, 2007 State-Wide (NM) Task-Force, English Entry Requirements for State Universities, 2007 Writing Across Communities (WAC) initiative, University of New Mexico, 2005-6 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Modern Language Association of America American Studies Association South Central Modern Language Association Western Literature Association D. H. Lawrence Society of North America LANGUAGES Spanish (writing, reading, and speaking proficiency) French (reading knowledge) REFERENCES Professor Diana Fuss English Department, Princeton University dfuss@princeton.edu Professor Richard Grusin Director, Century for Twenty-First Century Studies University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee rgrusin@gmail.com Professor Jerry Herron Dean of Honors College, Wayne State University jerry.herron@wayne.edu Professor Emerita Virginia Hyde English Department, Washington State University hydev@wsunix.wsu.edu Professor Ross Pudaloff English Department, Wayne State University aa1236@wayne.edu Professor Renata Wasserman English Department, Wayne State University aa0902@wayne.edu Professor Gerald Vizenor American Studies Department, University of New Mexico vizenor@unm.edu |